


first principles


the formula




What is a 'Radian'?



radian definition



A radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc the same length as the radius of the circle.



1C (meaning 1 radian)= 57.296 deg.



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Arc Length



radian definition #2



The arc length is proportional to its subtended angle.


Hence, if θ(theta) is in degrees and 'l' is the arc length:



equation for arc length



An angle can be expressed in radians by dividing the arc length by the radius.


Therefore θ in radians is given by:



arc length



Therefore for a circle(a 360 deg. angle), where the arc length is '2πr' (two pi r)and the radius is 'r' , the number of radians is 2πr/r , i.e. 2π .



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Sector Area


The area of a sector is proportional to the angle its arc subtends at the centre.


If a sector contains an angle of θo then its area is given by:



sector area



However, if θ is in radians, remembering there are 2π radians in a circle:



sector area #2



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Small Angles



small angles



For small angles(<10 deg.) there is a convergence between the value of the angle in radians with the value of its sine & tangent.


This approximate sine value may be expressed as:



sine theta approximates t o theta



The approximate cosine value is obtained thus:



small angle - cosine equation






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