Volumes of Revolution




rotation x-axis

rotation y-axis






A volume(rotated around the x-axis)is calculated by first considering a particular value of a function, y1, up from a value of x at x1 .


The line x1y1 may be considered as the 'radius' of the solid at that particular value of x.

If you were to square the y-value and multiply it by pi, then a cross-sectional area would be created.


Making a solid of revolution is simply the method of summing all the cross-sectional areas along the x-axis between two values of x.


(compare: area of a cylinder = cross-sectional area x length)

The method for solids rotated around the y-axis is similar.


Rotation around the x-axis



vol of revolution diagram#1



The volume Vxof a curve y=f(x) rotated around the x-axis between the values of x of a and b, is given by:






What is the volume V of the cone swept out by the line y=2x rotated about the x-axis between x=0 and x=5 ?



vol of revolution problem#1





and substituting                                  









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Rotation around the y-axis



vol revolution y-axis



The volume Vyof a curve y=f(x) rotated around the x-axis between the values of y of c and d, is given by:





What is the volume V of the 'frustrum'(cone with smaller cone-shape removed) produced when the line y=2x/3 is rotated around the y-axis, when the centres of the upper and lower areas of the frustrum are at 0,7 and 0,3 ?



solids of revolution problem#2











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