Home >> PURE MATHS, Algebra, number set theory
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A set is a collection of objects, numbers or characters.
{abcdef....wxyz} {1,2,3,4,...45, 46, 47} etc.
Note how the set is enclosed in brackets {.....}
A definite set is one in which all its members are known.
Sets are given uppercase letters: A, B, C, etc.
The elements of sets are given lowercase letters: a, b, c,..etc.
An element x belonging to the set A is written:
A constraint bar {...|...} is for setting a property that all members satisfy.
e.g. A{x l x has the colour blue} - all elements of A are blue
Common Sets
Venn Diagrams
Venn Diagrams are used to visualise sets and their relations to one another.
Above is a diagramatic representation of set A.
The set can be represented mathematically as: A{1,3,5,7,9} .
Note that set A(the circle) is a subset of the Universal set(the rectangle).
A' (A-dash)is called the complement of A.
It contains all elements that are not members of A.
A and A' together make up the Universal set.
The union of sets A and B contains all of the elements from both sets.
The intersection of sets A and B contains a particular group of elements that exist in set A and in set B.
If B is a subset of A. Then all of the elements of B are also in A.
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